Experience for Friends & Families

Adventure in Nature

Spread over 450 acres of land, La Vallée Des Couleurs Nature Park is operational since 1998. The range of natural and green landscapes revolves around the indigenous fauna and flora. Actively engaged in the eco-tourism business, the discovery of the 23 coloured earth constitutes of a unique geological feature in this part of the world for both Mauritians and overseas visitors.

0coloured earth
Unique to La Vallée des Couleurs in Mauritius
The longest suspended bridge in the Indian Ocean

Single longest zip line in Mauritius

Beyond Imagination

"One of the best experiences in my life."

Katie Wong
Woking, UK

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fascinating attractions

The 23 coloured earth is unique to La Vallée des Couleurs in Mauritius and an exceptional attraction that travelers cannot miss.

La Vallee des Couleurs in Mauritius inherited a beautiful consequence of million-years chemical reactions from volcanic ashes which changed in composition over time as rains, moisture, oxygen, and carbon dioxide interacted, resulting in a palette of 23 colours ranging from red to brown, pale yellow, ochre, purple, bluish, and greenish.

4 Superb Waterfalls

Offering you coolness into a pristine natural green environment the cascades are all so beautiful as you enjoy the sight and the mist. Our visitors often choose to sit playfully under the falling water or even swimming in them or simply refreshing yourself by its shallow waters.

Endemic Plants

As a plant lover or simply a Nature Lover, you will be amazed at the pristine beauty of a vivacious forest all around the Valley, you will find a beautiful garden of species in their splendour. Some very old plants grown into trees and withstanding the test of times.

Animals in Freedom

La Vallee des Couleurs offers animal lovers a unique experience to interact with a variety of animals living in the open. Visitors get to come close to the deer, tortoises and peacocks.

Dining by a waterfall... by the lake or by a hill top

La Citronelle

Sitting by one of our hills, the memorable panoramic view of the savanne mountain range is what will first strike you. From under our roof, contemplate the deer lazying around freely while your taste buds savour the expert twist our chefs add to the dishes.

La Bigarade

Relish the promiscuity of the fauna and flora while savouring elaborately prepared meals by our expert chefs.

Raised by the lake side with a spectacular waterfall view, the largest restaurant in our nature park accommodates both a la carte and thematic buffets (mostly Mauritian and Indian, but not restricted to) and accommodates up to 700 persons.

Le Chamouzé

Sumptuous wooden structure, perched metres away from the Chamouzé waterfall, is a gourmet quick service restaurant. Built in the midst of wild natural scenery, it offers an unequalled experience to our meal patrons and is known for its in-house venison produce. Our signature wild-deer burgers are our most prized a la carte menu options. Seating only 75 persons, we recommend pre-booking for an optimised experience.

Get in Touch

Spread over 450 acres of land, La Vallée Des Couleurs Nature Park is operational since 1998. The range of natural and green landscapes revolves around the indigenous fauna and flora. Actively engaged in the eco-tourism business, the discovery of the 23 coloured earth constitutes of a unique geological feature in this part of the world for both Mauritians and overseas visitors.